Doctor's Commitments

 You Will Be Considered The Absolute and Highest Priority VIP

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The Doctor Will Perform Sophisticated Diagnostic Testing – No Expenses Spared

You Will Be Tested For Blood, Urine, Saliva, Hair, Stool, DNA, Hormones, Toxic Load, Metabolic Breakdowns, Deficiencies, Infections, Viruses, Allergies, Food Intolerances, and Many Other Modalities

Ultra Personalized Treatments Delivered Will Follow - Depending On Testing Results

The Doctor Commits to Frequent Calls, Follow Up, Visits, Frequent Communication and Being Available

Extensive Amount Of Time Will Be Spent By The Doctor Researching Resources For Your Condition, Visiting Other Clinics and May Accompany You There

If Necessary, Modalities Will Be Applied Under The Doctor Supervision At Other Clinics, the Doctor Goes  With You, Supervises and Approves Any and All Treatments

The Doctor May Go To Conferences, Seminars And Special Training Sessions If Necessary -  Specially For You and Your Condition

The Doctor Will Apply all Known Treatments and Will Search The World For Other Effective Treatments For You

The Doctor Will Do… WHATEVER IT TAKES ( Within Legal and Ethical Boundaries)

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